Saturday, February 19, 2011

Mexicanas Famoa Follano

Commercial: Carol Reed 4 - murder of an unknown

Carol Reed 4 - murder of an unknown

The contribution will be probably a surprise to anyone. ;) At this point I do that is straight on with my review series on the independent mass production, "Carol Reed". has

With Carol since the last adventures lot done. It is situated in her new allotment in the hammock and watch the clouds. Thus "murder of an unknown" begins with the practical view of the sky, an impressive start, which is accompanied in accordance with Carol's entrance monologue. The private detective has so holiday, just as her life partner Jonas, we were once known as the nice cemetery gardener. This has, however, currently in Paris, Anders and his friend. From a letter from Jonas learns the diligent detective that in the meantime in Anders' apartment, a homeless man was murdered. And so ends her vacation and already it's the start of the investigation directly to the scene. In "Carol Reed 4" are MDNA Games of Adventure Maker on the Wintermute engine switched. The interface has hardly changed, except that the menu now can be called with the right mouse button and continue to load and store operations longer. Overall, the look get the previous episodes. The artistic and photo images are also complemented by a nice addition: As soon as one selects on the city map of Norköpping a new town, this is indicated in a distant view in a large sepia-colored screen before it goes to the playable scene. The cultural highlights are this time of the arc of hope, skate park, the Belvedere, the Gusum factory, Mount of Olives and the former railway station and again we are regular visitors to the city library of Norköpping.

Jonas addition, you can find old characters like Stina from the kiosk or the janitor, who always has any crazy ideas in store. Amongst the new cast even Mikael Nyqvist, the creator of "Carol Reed" in the role of Leonard Kohler, a not particularly sympathetic contemporaries. In conjunction with Kohler incidentally isolated gags are hidden, indicating that it is the photo model to the author. That the series thus achieved a high level of self-irony, I find very commendable. Complexity and playing time have increased enormously. On the map the course of action arise so many scenes that so many players could not cope already. But the difficulty is not only the fact but also in challenging puzzles. Also, you can die the first time in the history of "Carol Reed", single, at least at one point. But do not worry, this can be used in a Try Again function.

much there is to conclude not to say. Well, it's definitely one of the best Carol Reed episodes that I've ever played. They scored the next successful celebrity guest appearance by Mikael Nyqvist by a rather extensive and successful outro, which proves, has been through what a wonderful development, the crime series.

Producer: MDNA Games
Year: 2007 / 2009 (translation)



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