Wednesday, December 1, 2010

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dismissal from the Federal Computing: so it makes the sect

Jean Racine: There are no secrets that TIME does not reveal

Federal Computing Centre
Finanzen Straße 4
1030 Vienna
FN: 160573m
DVR: 9875597

Vienna, Wednesday, 1 December 2004.

Subject: dismissal

Dear Ms. Habsburg

particular because of the deliberately inaccurate accounting of working time to our customers, we herewith in accordance with the relevant labor laws, the dismissal because Vertrauensunwürdigkeit from

require the same time. we are on, all in your possession Company documents and keys, access authorization card and the like immediately leave.

is the final settlement of your compensation by the Department of the T-HR Federal Computing Ltd.

a clearance according to § 23 para 1 Angestelltengesetz not deserve.


Mag Erhard Schmidt, MBA

Dr. Anton Schicho
Head of Area T

Mag Roland Clean
Phone: 0043-1-71123-2255

This letter I received - the Suppressive Person - sick with severe sore throat and high fever at home lying in bed. So they are just followers of the sect. The "Office of Special Affairs", the puppets since 1998 provided successfully in the Austrian Federal Computing their service, gave the statement that all "Potential Trouble Sources" were immediately withdrawn from the federal data center - especially all SAP consultant in the federal budget. Instead, if the "ORG" have some SAP consultants in the sleeve so that the federal data center can be supplied nationwide with members of the Vienna ORG. Women should also Sumpter-Billings (currently head of department in the Ministry of Finance) and ex-sister in law of Finance Minister Grasser Commercial Director of Brz GmbH, so that all transfers are to Florida, Los Angeles, Copenhagen and London are from the Austrian federal budget continues to go unnoticed and made on time. What
in these days of December of 2004, then took in another episode, check out this blog "Federal Computing - memories of Wien-Mitte"


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