Sunday, November 28, 2010

Itchy Legs After First Wax

December 2004: Memories at Wien-Mitte

first Advent Sunday 28 November 2010: The Indians

say that after 7 years of bad things, what did they do get back.
Since the days of the week this year, falling precisely on the calendar day of the month as in 2004, remember I'm already in detail in 2004. The year 2004 was a fateful year for me. In April 2004, I still must put the supreme bodies (Office of the President, Parliament, the Constitutional Court, Administrative Court, Ombudsman, Court of Auditors) for HV-SAP-productive, on 1 December 2004 (a Wednesday) I have been dismissed without notice in the Federal Computing Centre (on sick leave as a member of the Union Public Service) (I got a registered letter to the bedside), on 2 December 2004 I am on behalf of my SC-superior (to me personally was not in the eyes) from the lawyers of the BRZ GmbH as a criminal by the federal center in the posterior been Zollamtsstraße four out. I was the ridicule and scorn of the other people at all levels of the federal data center exposed.

This December 2004, and many people around the globe in a horrible memory. On Sunday, 26 December 2004 (year of the Boxing Day falls back on a Sunday) there was a large TSUNAMI in Southeast Asia and many people there were killed. Just that day I had a beautiful vision of the coming of the Lord (I must be officially certified lunatics) - perhaps but even the CIA pressed this beautiful picture in my brain - who knows? I had this vision in an American community in Vienna, where it is teeming with the Agency.

But now to the chronological analysis of events surrounding my dismissal from the Federal Computing Centre in December 2004:

Wednesday 1 December 2004: I was ill at home in bed. The postman rings and handed me written the dismissal as an employee in the Federal Computing Center Ltd. reasons: I was - when I went to the Brz Academy in the Fashion Center Street in the third district of Vienna at a price - with the tech card (time recording for employees) at the entrance of the federal data center not logged off. I call on the council and in the personnel office and get on the next day for an appointment. The primitive SPÖ Works insulted me on the phone and then the next day again in person. He had already booked their Christmas trip to the Caribbean and I could only do unnecessary work.

Thursday 2 December 2004, 3 clock early this night: I can not sleep, of course. In the early hours of that second December 2004 - shortly after I dozed a bit but then - I dream of following nightmare: On the building of the federal data center in the rear Zollamtsstraße 4, an explosive attack perpetrated. Charred bodies lying everywhere. From the building you can see only the framework. Hovers over the building in a huge black cloak (as a bat), the prince of darkness, reveals himself as the manager Neumann and turned into this. I myself go through the smoking ruins, must climb over corpses. It is unbearable. I'm turning the dream into a milky blue-white ball that wegschwebt from this place of horror in the rear Zollamtsstraße.

Thursday 2 December 2004: Federal Computing Centre, Rear Zollamtsstraße 4, 1030 Vienna, Porter: I rise to the council and in the personnel department and the lawyer of the house, Mag Roland Clean collects it from me and leads me like a prisoner in the office of the Personnel Department of Brz Inc. The hiring manager is Dr. Schicho clearly embarrassed that he is forced to lay me in such a way. He is well known that this is not entirely lawful. It would have been before the dismissal must be at least one or two warnings. But in the psycho-sect, and especially at the "Office of Special Affairs," where my boss Grassl the training received, subject to other laws to which I subject myself to appear now unconditional. Amid the laughter of my colleagues, I must once again enter my office. Since I'm in the SAP projects in the federal budget (ie in all federal ministries and institutions Supreme) cooperated, I had a lot of paper, scripts, and books in my office. A secretary who had no idea of the matter, took over the supervision regarding removal of my personal belongings, briefcases, small souvenirs. Example, I had received from the old Federal Court of Auditors annual accounts given. The sect has developed good methods, "Potential Trouble Sources," with one stroke of their number to be removed. I've seen in this December 2004 at his own body.

Friday 3 December 2004: A Ministerial by the Court, which I supported in SAP (SAP and the federal budget, that was my purpose in life at that time) offered me to drive my scripts (I also had from the company SAP a lot of scripts from my many to pick up training) and personal items from my office. After years of work had in my office in the first Floor in the rear Zollamtsstraße accumulated a lot. They had already packed in boxes and my scripts so we could transport the items to the park area in the basement. That was the last day on which I was allowed to enter my beloved workplace. The basement of the federal data center should employ me in the following years in many dreams.

Monday 6 December 2004: The disability officer of Brz (Member of the Works) calls me at night and talks to me a hole in his stomach. If he had known that before, he could have helped me. He has so many "inconsistencies" noticed in the GT, but it are the "hands are tied." In any case, my release is not completely legal, it should have given warnings. But in the psycho-sect SC Epitarsis just different rules apply.

Thursday, 9 December 2004: An employee of the personnel department of Brz GmbH (with the Federal German accent) calls me and congratulated me, I would have made the GT-contest a prize. My proposal that I submitted, was that the GT-site also be offered in English. The idea I had come as a sheikh from Oman attended the Federal data center and was impressed by our Austrian electronically available land. Such information about the first IT service providers the federal government in Austria must be offered in English. Since I (as a "Suppressive Person") are not so now would be allowed to enter my former work place, the federal data center in Vienna, may, I could not take part in the ceremony in the Great Hall. Therefore, one would send me the decree by mail and the prize money (EUR 300, -) payment in my checking account.

Friday 10 December 2004: In the swimming pool of the fitness club Holmes Place "I see Mag Schmid, currently managing director of Brz GmbH - but already on the hit list of the psycho-sect. As a consolation I hear in the Christmas season always a song by Gerd Steinbäcker (STS): "Yes, they know everything better and tuan as when and how who POAR Froges a host, they Legn it across"
Saturday 11 December 2004: I'm going with friends to the Christmas market on the tube in the mountains. Yes, this beautiful mountain snow / Raxgebiet has always healed my soul. The people there are so direct, so simple, shaped so of the hard work. The Fron centuries was their fate. You did it under difficult conditions - is one of the cooling pipe Austria Poland - to survive.

Monday 13 December 2004: The lawyer of the Disability Brz GmbH calls me at night again. Yes, on Wednesday was that of my beloved Christmas Federal Computing Centre. He'll think of me. My mental anguish reaching its peak. I think I've never cried so much in my life as this week in December 2004. The psycho-sect SC Epitarsis and the "Office of Special Affairs" have achieved their goal: I feel guilty, I feel responsible for something I did not do. The reversal of fact, the guilt-making "suppressive persons" is an old method of secret services. In these weeks of Advent 2004, I can do me no rhyme, in which criminal national and international machinations I was here involved.

Wednesday 15 December 2004: Today is Christmas in the federal data center. The disability officer calls me again. I hear in the background even the busy preparations in the federal data center. Why must the man unnecessarily torment me? I decide to drive to the snow mountains.

Tuesday 21 December 2004: In an abandoned coal mine refuge on the southern slopes of the snow mountain, I forget my sorrow, my anger and my sadness. I've not yet covered to some extent, what I will blossom in the coming years, me as a "Suppressive Person". Meanwhile, I give all my pain, my tears of nature, I tell the trees and in Prigglitz Sureties Vöstenhof. Nature can radiate radio like this for peace. Now and then a deer jumps hastily over the snowy forest meadow. At night, the few houses shining in the distance with their Christmas decorations. Here in the forests around the local mountains of Vienna does not yet seem to have been noticed all too much of the project "Klare Austria, its victims and its perpetrators.

Friday 24 December 2004: Christmas Eve in the mountains. We drive up the forest road and looking down into the Vienna Basin (also called Wiener soil), the conifers are richly equipped with mistletoe. From the car we have the following song from Xavier Naidoo sound: I will not let you Lord Jesus - even If my pain will reach to the sky ....

Saturday 25 December 2004: On this day, I visit St. Stephen's Cathedral. Cardinal Christoph Schoenborn has a very nice Christmas sermon. The cathedral is as always packed. The Cardinal told about the Earth, the interior glows. I get it to do with fear. Is this a foreboding sermon in relation to the next day?

Sunday 26 Dezember 2004-10 15-12 clock clock: St. Stephen's, called this 26th December in Austria and probably also in southern Germany. Saint Stephen was dying, forgave his murderers. St. Stephen's Cathedral, the central church in the heart of Vienna, is dedicated to this saint. Normally Visiting at 26.12. always a Catholic service because I the gospel that is preached on that day, especially love. It says in the passage: "If you dragged before courts slandered, sued, and mocked, then do not be afraid, you no worries about what you shall speak, as you shall defend you, for I will give you another Comforter to send the Holy Spirit. He will enter you, what ye shall say, as you shall defend you.

Sunday 26 December 2004 - Evening Service in Vienna: At Christmas, I always have such a hunger for the Word of God for the word. Since it does happen that I go 2 or 3 times in the church. They will say, this is a true "Kerzerl-eater". So I am still in the evening in a church service of an American free church in Vienna highway. There are Dogs Christmas music, sung by an opera singer from Sri Lanka. And while I sing so, meditate and weep, I have a wonderful picture before my eyes. Christ stands before me in a golden light, with a golden robe, he captured my small hand and led me before each of my colleagues in the Austrian Federal Computing Centre, everyone: Those who have denounced me, the records of my allegedly led to long lunch breaks have those who have me declared a "suppressive person" and those who have dismissed me unjustified. Every individual, every individual is in this inner image moved past me. And the Lord Himself says to me. "Forgive him, forgive her," So I am reconciled and happy this Christmas service in this historic 26th December 2004. But I heard back in the afternoon on news that it has been a large tsunami in Southeast Asia - with at least 10,000 dead. After the service, we drive to the lodge to the snow mountains. Still, everything is peaceful, beautiful. I still say to me and my companions: There will be more than 10,000 deaths.
27th December 2004: "State of Fear" (State of Fear) is a book of Michael Crichton. I am proud that the famous physicist Prof. Franz Zeilinger from Vienna, is among his favorites. It begins with a scene in Paris, where a physicist trying to create a large swimming pool with artificially high tsunami waves. "Honni soit, qui mal i pense." Today, through the media it time the tragic scale of this disaster in Thailand and surrounding countries known. Many Austrians flee even before Christmas Eve and his emotional problems in the warm countries. Christmas in Austria has a long history, is indeed, not least the famous carol "Silent Night, Holy Night" from Salzburg. Many people are afraid on Christmas Eve to be alone or tortured by their relationship to be. Therefore, they like to go to Asian countries, where all other cults is honored and where the infant Jesus to see far and wide, nothing is. Therefore, there are many, many Austrian victims to complain. The Foreign Minister and her office seem to be hopelessly overwhelmed.
28th December 2004: In all the hubbub surrounding the tragedy in South-East Asia, I forget my personal grief. My grief, my problems, namely that I must go back to the job and I must report a job-seeker. I shudder.

31st December 2004: The last day of the year has begun. Much has happened this year, not only in my working life, but also worldwide. I'm sitting in a cafe in Gloggnitz in Lower Austria (district Neunkirchen) I enjoy the blend. My counterpart - a nurse - tells me he would most like to the disaster area. There are already many volunteers from Austria, who flew to Thailand. Hooray, we're still alive, hooray, we are still alive. Life goes on. Our guardian angels like us guide continue to be so good. We thank and shout it out into the winter landscape around the Schneeberg and Rax: HURRAH - WE STILL LIFE. Despite persecution by Scientis, Office of Special Affairs, and other bad people. HURRAH - WE LIVE STILL! The 11th


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