Thursday, December 23, 2010

Can You Bill For Lidocaine

Sol Invictus - Because JESUS winner is

SOL Invictus - Since Jesus is victor

Roman women have the winter solstice, the festival of the invincible sun god - celebrated - Sol Invictus. Over the centuries this was the feast of the birth of Christ, our sun, our light, our righteousness, our life is.

This light is stronger than darkness.
This love is stronger than hatred.
This resurrection power is stronger than death.
This sacrifice of love is stronger than any Christmas Satanic sacrifice. This forgiveness
force is stronger than any revenge in the world.
This love is stronger than any atomic destruction.

I hope, I believe that I am expecting.

Most people today are looking for recognition, love, Say-being. They confuse it with new cell phones, laptops, tablet PCs, fast cars, skiing in Kitzbühel, jewelry, and air travel in warm regions of the planet.

can be purchased with lot of money nowadays.
The experience of grace, the love, the recovered one and Adopted-being in God, the experience of harmonious co-existence and prayer under the Christmas tree - that one can not buy with money. This love
can not buy with money.
run why people so desperately through the area. More and more, faster.

here in Vienna we have so many Christmas tourists from the former communist countries. Many do not even know what is celebrated at Christmas. They had no religious instruction, they could not go to church. That was a punishable offense.

This emptiness will you with more money, gifts, smart phones, I-Phones, I-pads, game consoles, digital cameras, designer clothes, cars, planes, make up air travel.
This commercialization of Christmas, the Christian message has peaked already. On such advertising, such as the smoke fruit juices I have already almost smile: We hear: ". Oh Happy Day, when Jesus washed my sins away" As good as the smoke fruit juices may be, but with the redemption of Jesus they have little to do. Unfortunately, the lack of religious education today has advanced so far that most young people have no idea what this is all about.

Because the emotional expectations are so high, the disappointment on that Christmas Eve is often even higher. There is dispute within the family and acts of desperation.
I'll never forget a very old lady in the St. Stephens Cathedral, the song "Silent Night, Holy Night" was crying so bitterly that I almost tore the heart.
I'll never forget but when I am in many years ago Graz 23rd December, a city known Sandler and ports brother "20 shillings donated because I looked so rushed.

I wish all my blog readers a blessed a peaceful Christmas 2010.

May the love of God, the love of Jesus into it seem to their families, may disappear overcome the love the hate, fear, despair, confusion.
Immanuel - God with us. For

those who are alone on Christmas Eve: was
(Chapter 1)
In the beginning the word - and the Word was with God and the Word was God

From the Gospel according to John.
This was in the beginning with God.
Everything was was the same, and without him not one that has become.
In him was life and the life was the light of men.
The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not understood it (Luther)

From the Gospel according to Luke: (Chapter 2)

And there were shepherds in the same area, which remained in the open and at night keeping watch over their flock. And a
angel of the Lord came upon them and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they feared with great fear.
And the angel said unto them, do not be afraid! behold, I bring you news of great joy that will be for all people. For you today a Savior is born - Christ the Lord in David's city ......

And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, Glory to God in
the highest and peace Peace, peace on earth to whom he favors.


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