Sunday, December 12, 2010

Epoxy Primer Automotive

Julian Assange and the demand for a WORLD JUSTICE

About Julian Assange and Wikileaks has been written about very much. Personally - by the charisma purely ago - it seems to me as a mixture of Epitarsianer, Freemason and Black Mage. But of course that is only my personal impression.

What does Mr. Assange and Wikileaks in this supposed "end-time troubles" play, says Mr. Machiavelli the example MAKES:

you are the new king of a country and want to make sure that you remain so. So you will two separate call to itself, where you are sure that these do what you tell them. The one you are training for left-wing policies and fund them so that they can form a party. They'll make the other party but also, they can however create a politically right-wing party. Now they have launched two opposition parties to life. They finance the propaganda, elections, campaigns and thereby always know precisely about their plans know. That is, they control both parties. Do you want one of the two parties at an advantage, please shoot this simply more money than the other. Both leaders believe that you are standing on their side and you are so Two friends. The people will, however, this back and forth between left and right are so caught up that it will never come behind you when the king the cause of the strife are

In this respect, one could also use this fuss about Wikileaks and Julian Assange (the people always need a face as pawns) terms.

We know now that through envy, hatred, strife, war, artificially generated conflict, deprivation, hunger, unemployment and the spread of disease all the nations of the earth shall be so worn down, so accept all people and nations, the establishment of national institutions and erwünschen.

Here the system Machiavelli in brief:

first It creates conflict, struggle in which the people against each other and not against the true author.
second It does not act as instigators of the conflicts in appearance.
third It supports all the opposing parties.
4th It is regarded as benevolent authority that would end the conflict.

Today we have just the Cyber-War, the conflict is also artificially produced using modern technological means.
As Dr. Erhard Busek in pulse-4 Talk about Wikileaks a world of justice, called for an institution, where such evil deeds, such as Wikileaks Burscherln list since it can be punished at the international level, I am now back the true cause Wikileaks this conflict come to mind.

Yes, Mr. Busek. He was Minister of Science, head of the ÖVP, Wiener Vice Mayor, and more. Many good jobs has he zugeschanzt the FM party. Whenever I see him somewhere, I think of the story of his wife. She was a professor in the Gymnasium Wien 23 (Anton-Krieger-Gasse). In the 1980s he had to witness years of students there, as from the 1st Stock on committing suicide in the school yard jumped. I am reminded again of the book by Kurt Tozzer "death trap politics," where most cruel deaths are described around Austrian politicians and their families. These stories lead me back to my great Role model and teacher, Prof. Derek Prince (1915 to 2003), who speaks in many of his lectures and books about those Damn Freemasonry through its members and their families up in the 3rd and 4 Generation brings. I will give these victims a book. Perhaps this book gives guidance how to get out of this cursed life. Derek Prince also told about the English Freemasonry, where the worst Selbstverfluchungen be pronounced. If you reveal secrets, one has to check off as the left arm itself. From a spiritual point of view, Freemasonry is a disaster for those who have dedicated themselves to her.
I recommend to all interested parties the Book by Derek Prince Blessing or Curse - you have the choice "


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