Sunday, January 23, 2011

Good Tech Deck Brands

The year is now 3 weeks old and my life is no longer as it was the end of 2010. Well one can say that this anyway had to happen. This was already clear
me but I thought that it would take longer.

But sure your wondering what new insights you have for now?

Here my knowledge as of January 2011:

The Eppilation:
1 week ago I was back at the IPL Eppilation with strong light, to be honest because I go back a thousand times rather than to Nadeleppilation. Even after the second IPL session now less dark hair in my face, which is great and another for my Life is a great addition. Moreover, the whole thing takes only 20 minutes and then have to wait for 8-10 days on the final result for the hair to have it worked out :-).

have the combination needle Eppilation with IPL I now tested the same on Monday on it I have my 267 back dark hair can be removed with the Nadeleppilation.
The good, the beasts are definitely not, is stupid ... I watched the meeting from as bad as ever. By the IPL, the skin was already pretty stressed out, the hairs are indeed gone out better, as even some of them were very relaxed by the IPL. But this time the shoes were off, I then had 3 days "jowls" I looked like a hamster. To Grlück I had not really important date .. Furthermore, was and is the skin's structure was very stressed, so I today after 6 days ago I would still have the redness and minor injuries on his face. If you make-over it because you really should use the putty to the holes are stuffed Nadelepi.

So the Erkenntiss: IPL is great and I still think 2 sessions and I can do without the thick camouflage (make-ground) and are on a normal makeup, which then acts much more natural and thus forms the basis for my 100% daily test . But be Nadelepi must remain, as have the light hair and beard are supposed to even out .. I 'm looking forward to the day when I get up and no longer dedicate the shaver in the bathroom, must look :-)

The People:
My life currently consists of 5 days residential community. Every day go to work in male phenomenon, coming home in the evening and then finally "I" and to enjoy the evening or not. For the first time this week I have really lived my life, just working every day and night live as my natural self. The week before was very busy and I often had the evening before anything yet, as time passed by in and the thoughts were always directed to the current situation. This week, however, was the life there ... especially in the evening then when I have time I think very much about it as my life so far, and how it will be. Over the near term what's coming ....

Again and again I come to the point where my current situation is clear and then coming back up the feelings of longing. The desire that everything should again be as it was ... but also the desire to finally be able to live the way I feel, of course. These situations strengthen me, because I always realize I am the way I have taken can only go further .... I miss my family, my wife during the week .. but again, I realize that I must not think only of myself. Even my partner has the right to lead your life on.

It has surprised me again, because we had a meeting together with my psychotherapist. The date was important for us, he was good, but it was also painful and very emotional. Painful because we realized that both my way and therefore can only move forward our partnership .. at least in this phase ends and starts again. The new beginning will be a deep friendship / partnership. This prospect is and we have the real chance that this can be lived so well and still hurts.
Letting go is what both of us very clogged, I once read a quote, there will encounter this situation in my opinion.

"You must accept his loss to be able to enjoy his success."

The apartment search:
is released, to develop themselves further. The flat where I live is great. I have two nice and understandable friends with whom I not only live in harmony but also about some quite controversial, we criticize each other .. all this is for our and my development is very important. I am both grateful in every way. And yet I feel that I need more room for me.
The room that I live .. Well .. now it is more like a large closet as a room .. thanks to the winter sales ...

So I am now looking for a home, in consultation with my family to me assisted wonderful. Thanks to this location.

House hunting .. actually quite a simple thing you think .. just how do I apply and how I present myself. Under the condition that I plan in 2-3 months as my wife everyday to deny completely, go to work so well ... it will be difficult to live as a man if I rent an apartment in the later a woman and still ne long time with a male first name.

My strategy: I am applying as a man and the call for the Appointment I give then a man come clean and do so openly and honestly.

Have had 4 classes of which only one was canceled because the broker said that the landlord with the theme of "transsexualism" had problems. Everyone else had no problems with "ME" and so I had 3 dates last Friday you could perceive as Sally Sarah and it was great for me.
The apartments were not that what I had imagined, but the entertainment value was great, because after each visit to the apartment only played a secondary role and people genuinely interested me and had me speak positively. An elderly gentleman had the same to me tells his life story and added that he has far too long too much for others who have used him to leave anyway and then he really only been 5 years time to make time for and doing things which he had wanted to do all his life ... and !!!!!. 70

Now the search goes Wieten ... let's see if I can be my own expectations, because ultimately it is my first apartment I am looking for my life ... :-)

Although the road is very rocky and hard as before, I enjoy this every day, every hour in the life I should and can. This is only possible because I support a lot of inner companion and guide every day. Each in his way, knowingly and unknowingly.

But above all, the support of my wife and family is very important to me and my respect growing every day over these people, because it is not of course even if it is a "angeborenerer defect" with me. But everyone has come to realize this, I forget in my impatience and over again.

the moment I feel very comfortable, although the current problems must be solved.


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