Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Cargo Carrier Voyger Xl


For those who like to have it but the 60 AMS-million back, but have still not get it, which is what "Facts to Austria" is:

The residents of this small Alpine country of Austria are not so well known, largest intelligence blessed. It is rumored that the Austrians are by centuries of oppression by the monarchy and Catholicism simply dulled so that they can put up with everything. Standard phrase: "It is what the tabloid newspapers.

Based on this setting were huge scandals within the government leaders such as passing the "case Lucona. This lethargy of the Austrian population - coupled with a courtly intrigue - have also taken advantage Epitarsianer when, in 1986 in California, the project "Getting Europe" proclaimed.

As project manager you get an Emigrants called pallet picked, which was to make closer to the center of government and should bring the entire industry, business, media, the universities under the control of the sect. (Eg Project Minerva)

Nebstbei was remembered in the U.S. also because Austria - the old Nazi country - should be bled. Therefore plans were made in 1986, Epitarsianer at the crux of the Republic of Austria - set - as the Federal Chancellery, Federal Ministry of Finance and computing office.
crucial that these plans, all European states to get under the control of the sect, was also the religion. Now, Austria is - as mentioned before - Have been dominated in recent centuries by the Roman Catholic Church.

are the "concordat" between the Holy See (Vatican) and Austria from 1933 of the Catholic Church, many funds and real estate, agriculture and forestry businesses have been saved. The federal government has given Raab Figl around the year 1957 the church a few thousand hectares of forest land to do so.

Epitarsianer Now the world champion of greed. You must do everything possible to come to power, following the motto of the sect's founder: ". Make money, make more money"
Since it is very close, if you will clarify Austria that you look at the money, the Properties and the inestimable value of the Roman Catholic Church approach makes.

The church had to rule the world, the sect will rule the world.

In the 1990s we had reason in the sectarian counseling center of the Archdiocese of Vienna introduced a Epitarsianer. (See, Wilfried Handl: illusion and reality) This made it the champagne critic DDr. Valentin to stun as well as the Councilor of Finance (Republic of the brain) so that both honor the persons were able to remember anything and had to retire. Good work. To destroy

(Suppressive) person or an institution, one must know their weaknesses. This is an ancient secret method, although the "Office of Special Affairs" just acts as if it had this crappy ways to kill people, even invented.

And now to my conspiracy theory: It was part of the project "Clear Austria" ie particularly in the power of the Roman Catholic Church (of course, the assets of the Republic of Austria). This one had to find a (treacherous) way to destroy the church to its foundations.
Just as it does for individuals - namely, one seeks their weak points - (as with suppressive persons) was also examined by rich institutions such as churches their weaknesses. And these weaknesses were found and more in the areas of celibacy, misogyny, child abuse. So yes
do today, many millions of victims of alleged abuse by the Roman Catholic Church. In the U.S. the way it is managed, dioceses to go out of business.

The smart editors of the weekly PROFILE came in this context in 1995 on a brilliant idea. The arch-conservative cardinal and non-Freemason Hans-Hermann Groer was soon to retire. When his friend and successor, the Pope also non-Free Mason Bishop Kurt Krenn was provided. To prevent this and also approached to participate in the assets of the church to come, had the BB magazine PROFIL the brilliant idea To buy alleged abuse victims of Groer. What sad tale then arose about Cardinal Groer and his alleged victims profile acquired from Josef Hartmann, is well known.
the way, we met recently, Josef Hartmann. He's not been happy.
hundreds, even thousands of Austrians have since 1995 left the church. With the help of dubious victims' lawyers will still be in the power of the church. be

However, the plan appears "Klare Austria" quite failed to. Most Austrians are just too stupid and too poor to make the audit with the help of thousands of dollars to the "Clear". The whole thing is just too American.

Only the Finance Ministry, the Federal Accounting Agency and the state government of Lower Austria in St. Pölten on one still has regular taxpayers millions of Austrian sparkling wine of dubious accounts.
too shall pass Austria - clear or non-clear - slow as a basis. Sorry.


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