Thursday, January 13, 2011

كراك Age Of Empire 2.0a

State Office for the Protection of the Constitution - Councilor Eric Zwettler, the animal rights activist and a Suppressive Person

The State Office for Constitutional Protection in Vienna

Erich Zwettler - sorry Mr Mag.jur. COUNCILLOR (without court) Erich Zwettler - is an honorable man before he became chief of the State Office for Constitutional Protection "in Vienna (formerly STAPO) ascended, he was head of the Special Commission against animal rights activists.

The welfarists about alleged mastermind Martin Balluch are therefore targeted by the "State Office for the Protection of the Constitution" came because the CEO and owner of the textile company "clothing manufacturer" obviously suffer in LA from severe paranoia (paranoia).

The welfarists, although sometimes quite extreme in their actions (because I do not always agree, because I want to change VIOLENCE systems and social injustice) - but they are certainly not terrorists within the meaning of § 278 of the Austrian penal code.

Since the men were "clothing manufacturer" in the office Zwettler of police lawyer at Schottenring in Vienna and urged our "Protection of the Constitution," use violence against the animal rights activists who fight against the senseless suffering of animals.

I too many times - has been summoned to the office at Schottenring - in my capacity as a "Suppressive Person".

however, you must know the history :

I worked indeed, between 2000 and 2005 range federal budget to SAP, that I was in a team employs, which introduced in the federal ministries and supreme bodies of the Republic of Austria, the new software SAP .
had in December 2002 and November 2003 I strange experience illness and death of high, long-time official of the Federal Ministry of Finance. After some months I could do their important work, I was in 2004/2005 - for a trifle - summarily dismissed from the federal data center. I was like a Schwerverbrecherin discharged from my job. This
surprised me very much because I thought I had found my dream job and I enjoyed even with the officials in the federal ministries in popularity.
I tried in SAP consulting to regain foot, it could not. Instead, I received calls at night, cars were waiting outside my apartment door. In November 2005, my photo was still always find on the website.

I the Austrian Constitution guards not much trusted to I turned to the German Federal Intelligence Service in Pullach, Bavaria. Everything was, of course, again immediately returned to the Scots ring in Vienna sent. So I started in April 2006 by 1 Once summoned there. The officials could not write proper protocol, it had to be printed several times in my correction. I immediately realized that the officers entertained the constitutional protection for the folks who removed the officers in the BMF, great support. The protocol leading official has meant conclude with: "An official SCH. in the BMF would in any case soon died, his liver was already broken. "

Thus he indirectly confirmed that this officer was murdered in the BMF. See my blog: "Thou shalt do no BEILEIT" (An official at the State Office for Protection of the Constitution had the word written condolences several times with a hard T, he could not understand that the word with suffering is linked to - greet the Pisa study allowed )

In February / March 2007 I was on denounced as a Scientologist, steals the mountains of documentary material, media from BMF, Court, federal data center was. Again, were our honorable "Protection of the Constitution" at Schottenring fully on the side of the informer, then on the side of the actual perpetrators. I had to pay high legal fees to make clear the entries on At the same time, I realized that I was appointed by the psycho-sect "Epitarsis" Suppressive Person.

early as 31 December 2006 was the Federal Minister of the Interior, Liese Prokop died suddenly. They, too, had probably given false instructions in the wrong direction.

murdered in May 2008 a former employee of the Parliament, his wife (log-chair of the Finance Molterer) his daughter, his parents and his father. He was in financial trouble advised. I wrote my personal opinion about this tragic crime cases to the Federal police headquarters in Vienna. In his great helplessness (which makes me really scared, because the State Office for the Protection of the Constitution should employ more competent people), the State Office for the Protection of the Constitution has me in July and August 2008 and again summoned the Scots ring. Again, I like a terrorist or serious criminal has been treated. I could not resist me, and asked the officer directly if you are friends as protectors of the constitution with the billions shifters, Datenmanipulanten the Federal Computing Centre, alleged murderers and poisoners in the Federal Ministry of Finance, then? Because turning the facts around and put me down as mad and criminal. How can that be? From whom they bribed? By whom they are instructed to present myself as criminals?

These "gentlemen" at the State Office for Constitutional Protection in Vienna are not even the German language - their mother tongue - powerful. Imagine for a moment before, these people need to analyze English, Arabic, Hebrew, Persian texts. To me it is in fact shiver when I think of what people are employed by us in the constitutional protection as dummies. Which may convince a lot - especially false, manipulated translations. Austria and Vienna really need a large, powerful guardian angels, that is still not happened.

more or less harmless welfarists pursued it as a terrorist organization like al Qaeda of Austria, during a day in private houses, banks, etc. is broken, while in Vienna on the street people are attacked and shot dead 35 policemen in the fight against the animal rights activists stopped just because a mentally ill textile chain owner apparently sitting in the same box as Councilor Zwettler.

from the barrel hits the ground. It lacks an in fact the words, what happened to the Austrian police. This all seems to almost a result of the Epitarisierung Austria (Austria Clear) be. Of course, one has epitarisiert the police and the judiciary throughout the country - or at least tried.

But it suffers here and there in the state of Austria. Not all can be "cleared", not all understand this, the official with the Constitutional protection that already abquält with his mother language, is hardly read the original texts of Ron Hubbard, much less understand. That beats the whole "clarification" came back. One of these gentlemen but I assume the constitutional protection: If they have not mastered language, one they know for sure, at all sides in all directions, stop to all the peoples out his hand.

Now you are, dear reader, value-reader, and perhaps say: Go's, on hern's, the wor scho Thurs miasn always in Wean ... we hobn a gaze that z ma kuma what we hom the ghobt Russians, the Americans we hom .... a bissl wos Homma of olle kriagt ..... ghobt

Well, as my history is gone next? After I could not imagine a court (because I was indeed guilty of anything), we have tried the psychiatrization - according to the guidelines of the Office of Special Affairs.
is interesting to me that you never complained (even then everything would come to light), but only by complicity with the Constitutional protection of intimidation undertook.

"suppressive persons" must deprive you of all their civil rights, this pre-clears have otherwise earned. This is an important directive of the Hubbard-sect. As in Austria offers mainly the Zwangsbesachwaltung. So you can incapacitate a person in full, they can no cell phone contracts, no Internet into contracts, etc. more.

The Epitarsianer at the State Office for Constitutional Protection, the BMF, BMI, GT, etc have achieved their goal. These Zwangspsychiatrisierungen play the ministries together perfectly. As a brief, simple call from a section chief from the Ministry of Finance in a district court in Vienna and it would be done already!

But what do you expect in a country where cover up a former interior minister, who gave the instruction, a six-fold murder (case Lucona), has become a high-ranking representatives of pensioners?

When I think of that poor welfarists had to sit for months in custody, I am again quite happy with my fate. In the U.S., "Suppressive Persons" partially executed. Since I'm with my fate, namely that I was ONLY deprived of all civil rights and I live on 400 euros a month, been quite good about it.

leads me to the topic of money. What to believe You know why this animal rights process take so long? The answer is more than clear. The longer a procedure more cost the lawyers, the more money the lawyers. Are you always the only ones cashing in big on such inquisition process. The expensive hiring at first Address, Biedermeier furniture, etc. must be earned!

I always wonder, for example, that murderers are sentenced in 2 days. They have no famous lawyers, the only public defender. No one has to negotiate an interest for long. You do it like with the Nazis, they shoot the same civil law or in the process is completed within 20 minutes. If the offender then for various reasons - "illness" - the administration of justice is too expensive, then it helps a little to halt and the convicted prison inmate dies then all of a sudden in the prison and the Republic of Austria is exempt from all costs. One could also "death penalty in Austria table" call.
Oh - I think now I've gone too far in my fantasies, to go far in the grouse.

had perhaps the psychiatrist in Vienna-Mauer was right. Maybe I've just imagined everything , all just imagined everything ... I am born in Austria, in the convent school was, in Graz, studied at the Federal Computing Center .... maybe I have worked really all just a dream ....

And one more thing: the theme of "Protection of the Constitution in Austria" would I really want to, I would've only dreamed of. But unfortunately this is not the case.


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