Friday, December 31, 2010

Spotting And Mucus Before Period Due

Review and Outlook

Actually I wanted to write this year much more. I've seen a lot and wanted to share it with the readers of this blog, I wanted to handle many pleasures with this blog, but as I have already written to me often lacked the time and the strength.

When I look back on this 2010 then I float between Gück, sadness and hope. A year ago I would have never imagined that my life so walk and so developed. But I'm glad, because the reason I'm happy in my heart and I finally feel that my soul, my body and my feelings are coherent and united.


In March this year I carried out in consultation with my former Psych login and my wife a 7-day Alltagestest for me. At that time found in the "hope" is a saturation in the "female". I was not at this stage of my transsexuality to that extent consciously as today. Back then I rented an apartment in Stuttgart and lived for 7 days as a woman in public, went shopping, got things done and everyday .... I was happy and each day grew even then the natural in me that I want to live as a woman.

In June this year, I moved after consultation with my wife in my "second" at home, an apartment with two other transsexuals my "Sally-home". My kingdom there comprises about 12 square meters, it is small but I am very happy there.

In July I have my opinions from my psychologist that my transsexuality basically confirmed. Heide Kraus my Psych login has looked after me very well and supported me that I was able to accept themselves. That same month, I have my Endrokinologin, visited Mrs. Dr. Phillip and thus now made my story even with health insurance according to known. She has referred me already at the first visit to Dr. Netzold my current accompanying psychotherapists.
This month I've outed myself to my employer, I am very understanding with my employer and pushed my way right now accompany many colleagues with me.

In August I had my first appointment with Dr. Netzold because of my urgent situation, which described in my opinion and has sent Mrs. Dr. Phillip well as findings of Dr. Netzold, I received my indication for hormone therapy obtained.

have September 2010 I started my Nadeleppilation and remove dark facial hair, approximately 1000 in the chin and upper lip area can be. The cost so far, I assume itself

October I begin more and more to let my natural and I am very happy because it gives me an inner satisfaction, however, until now the price is high, because the more I allow myself more more information I have my environment, to justify myself .... My stay in my flat as women are more often and for myself to understand. However, it is in the family environment more difficult to get a front upright for at this time know only my wife and partner of my transsexuality. The deliberate displacement of the situation of my sons, my friends and my family over on me more and more sad.
Life as a woman is more natural and obvious to me that hormones help a lot.

It is November and my inner turmoil is getting bigger, the Weschseln between a man and a woman, I no longer creative. It costs me more and more energy to meet the male part, no matter whether this is in the private or professional environment. In the meantime, I informed my sons, my great son (20) has aufegenommen very loose and of course, but I am still very grateful to him.
My little son (14) has recorded it shocked the whole family has helped to make him understand. I am very grateful to my family, because in such a situation is a true family bond that we in everyday life we are often unaware. I can not find the right words to express my feelings for the people of this family described. But still the turmoil of my person is still there. Therefore, we agree that I live in my flat during the week and on weekends and in the Holidays with the family live. This to me is an important phase, because one can I tell if I finally such a life that between two "persons" is constantly changing at all manageable. My life experience really begins.
The first weeks are hard, because actually I miss my family every day and on the other hand, I can not live in contentment when I'm not a woman can at least spend the evenings. To process all of this I won a psychotherapist, to further, this is only 10 minutes from my flat and he is very kind and sensitive. I have been living the life in a constant case. Unpacking, packing, case back and carry around are now zm Everyday life. These missions are very much on which two people are going to travel at least of her suitcases :-).
I can feel how much all this drain on my strength and energy.

In Decemeber are the first visible changes due to the hormones and also includes several colleagues already, meien hands are shoulder, arms become thinner, my face has become thinner and softer. Basically, everything is harmonious, that I have a hip does not bother me but now I'm proud of it. The Brusgröße is currently at A Cup, for me it feels great about, but the breast can be more difficult in the everyday work of the male Clothes conceal.
life during the week in my flat is now reinforced for me the rest of the family members and relatives, I briefed this month on me. For the first time I have in this context, a "self-runners" experienced in my outing, this is the case when a person without talking to my outing gives me further. So you have no influence to explain to these people and of course no chance of the situation.
My partner and wife is always with me more, so we have a realistic future, you go with me as a woman three days with friends in the Erzgebirge. There were two great days for us but just strange perceptions, we We were both strange and yet familiar. We note that we have to get to know new. For me those 3 days were the first in a long time in which I had no internal stress, the recovery effect was very big for me.
We see some chance that we have a common future with me will have a woman, but not in our common home. To this solution, we are currently working and I have noticed more and more that I have a very strong woman by my side. I can not thank her enough.
But the current coexistence will change, it is aware and it is very hard because the feelings are still there for each other. Basically we need some only because the society with the issue transsexual is not yet clearly separated.
About 3 weeks I have submitted my first name change in the district court and requested the name of Sally Sarah. As soon as I now ridiculous 900 EUR as an advance for the experts as to the process set in motion.

Conclusion: after all this I have now written down I will only become aware of in which rapid speed I move. But basically, I just let my natural person and the more I realize this naturalness, the less time I would like to say that I may or may not live. This has the consequence that increases my inner conflict. Reason to exist the "man" in me not merely to represent the presence in circles of friends or at work has not yet borne days.

view : as Eppilation IPL strikes as well and continue the changes in my body more and more, I think and hope that I can live my whole life experience over the next 3 months completely, does this mean 24 hours to live as a woman . I look forward to and yet I am also sad because I will lose again some friends and I hope that the distance to my family by not more, but we are working :-)

Happy New Year ... :-)

Is Obvilion A Genuine Grey Nichols Bat

return facial hair

Since September 2010, I leave now remove my facial hair means Nadeleppilation. Since I can now remove about 1000 hairs in 4 sessions. The cost is 400.00 EUR.
The result is indeed great, I've worked in the area no dark hair, but it is a very slow process and müshsamer. This is the fact that I have to bear the cost of the products himself.
A treatment by dei health insurance is possible but it must first be created the necessary basis. How, for example, the name change, and even then you have to convince the insurance company once that the treatment absolutely necessary.
The health insurance company usually only the cost of Eppilation if a sex reassignment surgery was performed. This must
Imagine that! The law sets a 24-month life test in which one should live the perceived gender and to integrate socially in public. For a Nadeleppilation may need to be made the hairs are at least 2 mm long. So I wonder whether the makers of these requirements have thought that there are no women with a three-day beard and very little to do with social integration has.

live my life experience I already every day, but I am still male in my references to the work, this is because the dark hairs on the face of the present are still strong and the supply of that just means only one make-up (camouflage) are.
This is then the next problem is that none of my heavily made Abreitskolleginnen comes to work. So I can not live the life experience completely. However, I now have

drawing another Eppilationsmethode to help, IPL. With IPL, the skin is treated with very intense light, this creates a termperature of about 70 degrees Celsius, the hair follicle dies and the hair is pushed outward. Jeodch way to do this only with the darker hair.

After the first treatment, I now have much much much less dark hair on the face and thus hardly a Bartschat. Finally I can use less make up and life experience brings together within reach :-)

How To Remove Xc Ski Bindings

federal budget to SAP - Review of a decade of success

federal budget to SAP - Review of a decade of success

1998 Ministers Decision: The Austrian Federal budget allocation is to use the SAP business software will be completed in December 1999
The SAP Competence Center the Federal Computing Centre starts work.
autumn 2000 The 1 Rollout of SAP launches the social ministry and its subordinate agencies
summer of 2001 in the Social Ministry will set SAP-productive.
December 2002: Councilor Csoka - Federal Ministry of Finance - is at a lecture in Linz in impotence can be to remember anything and is retiring! State Secretary Finz adopts it on a napkin.
decides 2003 The Council of Ministers the establishment of a National Accounting Agency (BHAG).
summer 2003 The salaries of the Austrian governors in 4-fold Amount to the SAP systems migrated.
10-11. November 2003 Government Schweinhammer (payment and cost accounting, Federal Ministry of Finance) dies unexpectedly in the 6th Floor of the house Finanzen Strasse 4
December 2003 scandal surrounding the project ELAK (electronic file in the federal ministries) escalates.
April 2004 All federal departments are working with SAP. Because of the federal accounts, the data is rückmigriert on the old budget allocation in the federal data center.
first April 2004 The Accounting Agency begins with part of their work. Many accountants from the federal ministries in the new accounting agency, as GMBH and daughter of the Republic of Austria will be taken out.
December 2004 suppressive persons are dismissed without notice in the Federal Computing Centre.
first January 2005 The accounting agency shall include in the Dresden (Vienna-Brigittenau) their full operation. The SAP server remain in the federal data center.
April 2006 A suppressive person is summoned by the National Office for the Protection of Vienna.
October 2006 The National Council decided at its inaugural meeting, the establishment of an investigative committee concerning procurement "€ Fighter
January 2007 Karl-Heinz Grasser leaves the Treasury. It provides, however, a close Cabinet employee - Ms. Sumpter-Billinger - with the post of commercial director at the Federal Computing Center
January 2007 Kurt Datz, founder and head of the Vienna and further education institution VENETIA adult GmbH begins investors under false pretenses to buttoning money.
February / March 2007 a suppressive person is denounced on.
spring 2007 the latest in the spring of 2007 sought to contact Datzer Wipplinger. He asked for interim financing for its AMS courses at Venetia.
May 2007 Bayerische Landesbank acquires Hypo Alpe Adria.
mid-2007 from that date begins Wolfgang Wipperman (former accountant at the Federal Social Welfare Office, also supervisory board of the housing cooperative WienSüd) to fabricate false notes - the stamp of the Federal Accounting Agency.
summer of 2007, the Chamber of Labour of trying to enforce the bankruptcy of Venetia. It's about claims of 42 former employees of around half a million Euro.GF Datzer by Venetia manages to wrest the bankruptcy judge at the Commercial Court of Vienna always new terms - partly because he notes the Republic for several million Euro could provide.
July 6, 2007 There is a confirmation to a Swiss company has liabilities of AMS Austria on VENETIA in the amount of € 1,792,826.79 €. This document was signed by the Republic of Austria Wolfgang Wipperman.
Summer 2007 Peter Lebinger (Mühlethaler and partners) purchased the assets of Kurt Datz / Venetia. At this time, according Lebinger no signs of bankruptcy at Venetia are visible.
November 2007 Since November 2007, the AMS - AMS-chief, according to facts Buchinger - no more credit to the adult school Venetia 12 from Vienna.
December 2007 Wipplinger (Accounting Agency) receives threatening phone calls from buyers who had the assets / liabilities of Kurt Datz on the open market purchase through the company mill dollars and partners in Switzerland.
31st December 2007 The threatening phone calls in the accounting agency with Mr. Wipperman be so unbearable that Hr. Wipplinger the matter tried to clean up this by arbitrarily in abundance fake certificates (bonds of the Republic) exhibited and payment deadlines postponed.
4th January to 1 September 2008 Mr. Wipperman (BHAG) is using its supposedly completely clueless assistant Mrs K. a dizzying carousel of money in motion. About the state-owned bank account of unemployment, to which he has access Wipplinger carried out between January and September 2008 at least money orders in the amount of 16.5 million €. Digression: The money from the AMS is still lacking. Of the total 16.5 million euros were 3.6 million euros directly to the account of Kurt Datz. EUR 4.4 million emigrated to investors in Austria, Denmark and Slovakia. 8.5 million euros flowed into an account of the Wiener Privatbank AG, a subsidiary of Raiffeisen Landesbank of Upper Austria.
22nd February 2008 Seven experts discussed in the Red Room of the Vienna Palace Trauttmansdorff on "Financial Talents - The role of CFOs in companies ". Johanna Moder (Bookkeeping agency of the federal government) as "CFO of the Republic of Austria" made it clear that their job description requires it, "having to know the business very well." He must know both decision about what happened with the banks and the customer. reported (Bernhard Madlener, THE STANDARD, print edition, 23./24.2.2008)
August 2008 profile over the arrears Affected Venetia instructor.
22nd August 2008 A Suppressive Person is again summoned by the "State Office for the Protection of the Constitution" in Vienna.
summer 2008 MR BC Ihle of BM Finance interim head of the bookkeeping agency will (decision of 26 August 2008)
30th Sept. 2008 Brandl is the final head of the Austrian Accounting Agency in Vienna, Dresdner Str.
24th October 2008 The Federal Accounting Agency (Wolfgang Wipperman) represents the final statement of 16 million counterfeit and promises new orders amounting to € 36 million. These fake promissory notes is Datzer (Venetia) to catch investors.
November 2008 "Environmental Action Tirol" will receive 2 confirmations in the amount of 16.3 million euros and 36 million €.
November 2008 The last Claims by Venetia at AMS will be charged.
third December 2008 bankruptcy petition against Venetia - Commercial court Vienna Ing Peter Schuster of "environmental action Tirol" told the courts to try to pay the debts of Venetia.
January 2009 The deadline for the Vienna Handesgerichtes Venetia elapses without Ing Schuster had paid the debt for the operational environment Tyrol Venetia.
23rd January 2009 AMS chief Buchanan sent a statement of the facts to the public prosecutor in Vienna on suspicion of fraud and forgery
30th January 2009 Wipplinger Datzer be arrested and handcuffed. Both assert the misappropriated funds by means of a gold mine in Ecuador (South America) to pay back.
first February 2009 Harald Weiglein, Chairman of the Federal Finance Minister Josef Pröll said the courier, that only 16 million have been displaced and distanced themselves from the accounting agency (although the entire accounts of the federal government there processed and the BHAG a 100% subsidiary company of the Republic Austria) is the owner's representative. Ministry of Finance)
first April 2009 The website goes online. On this web site are scandals around the electronic file of the Federation (Republic of Austria) revealed. The Elak is directly related to the scandals surrounding HV-SAP and the accounting agency, as there are many interfaces between Elak and HV-SAP, SAP PM (SAP on the federal payroll) in the Federal Computing Centre.
May 2009 A Suppressive Person is zwangsbesachwaltet.
October 2009 High Cabinet employees of Federal Minister Pröll unexpectedly dies young in the basement of the Federal Customs Office data center in the posterior 2-4 (1030 Vienna)
December 2009 The accountant Wipplinger is released from custody. His lawyers are the same ones who also represented Mr. Tilo Berlin (Ex-Hypo head and Million closing program).
December 2009, the SAP Competence Center celebrates 10 year anniversary.
December 2009, Hypo Alpe Adria AG must be saved by the Republic of Austria. Bayerische Landesbank and the state of Bavaria will be at least 400 million euros from Austria back.
April 2010 Federal President Heinz Fischer, who is informed about the processes in Brz / BMF since 2005, is overwhelmingly elected as President again. (See: Hans Pretterebner, case Lucona)
summer 2010 The minimum will be decided in Austria. At the same time is in the federal data center "transparency database (centralized view of all public support and grants will be established).
summer 2010 subpoena ex-Finance Minister Grasser at the State Criminal Court of Vienna "It need not be picking anything because I've done nothing wrong" It must be presumed innocent.
13th August 2010 Ex-Hypo head Kulterer arrested in Klagenfurt.
10th October 2010 municipal and state elections in WIEN. The municipality of Vienna and its 70 municipal departments use the accounting and cost accounting system SAP to cover up their illegal business transactions.
11th November 2010 Wolfgang Kulterer comes with a bail of 500,000 € again.
December 2010 from the Karl-Franzens-University Graz is chosen, the word "innocence" to the word of the year.
31st December 2010 thanksgiving to the transaction SAP SAP_ALL and all gods and goddesses, with which we are still in control.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Poptropica Cheats For Infinte

therapists, time and luck


long as I have not heard from me.
Why? Now there were various reasons. First, I must clarify some "organizational" for my future endeavors. For example, the matter of the psychotherapist. So far I was at a "free psychologist" in treatment. The term "free" is meant that the psychologist is not paid directly by the health insurance because it has no security scheme, but with me directly.

This was and is cost-intensive accordingly, as a treatment hour costs 90.00 EUR, the treatment is intensive and well and you can determine the length of the session. I did the treatment very well. At this point: Thanks Heide. It has helped me to accept me and so facilitate my life basically.

Now I have two psychotherapists, Dr. Netzold in Reutlingen accompanied me on my way. Join in this case means that it makes no therapy with me, but the hormone therapy initiated and advised me on my next steps. The accompanying therapist "shall" you as soon as one enters into the hormone therapy itself and is to some extent by law.

However, it usually requires a second therapist / psychologist of a well treated. Treatment is individually tailored to each person and their problem with transsexualism. In my case I just need a therapist help me with the way my family.

way I would use this report in more detail because it is sometimes for me at the moment the most important thing in my life.

Fortunately, I could now see a therapist treated me well, it's not for us simply to have a TS, verständisvollen and untrusted find therapists who settles with the insurance company to have. I have found after more than 6 months of intensive search, a therapist who has the properties described and bills with the cash register. In addition, there is only 10 minutes from my new second home in Kornwestheim away. In the past I always had to travel to Karlsruhe to attend the meetings, it was a time of more than 6 hours in all.

You see, I reckon now really in hours, hours that I have for myself and I need for my way, I can buy my family and even the even the hours I need to earn the necessary money to the I desperately for my life need.

Thus, the therapist with the insurance company requires a so-called Konserliarbericht the one for which the treatment doctor gets, in my case, this is Dr. Phillip in Reutlingen. A Koriphäe Endrokinologin as well as a person. Ofmals moody but also very competent.
The therapists have really long waiting times and you have to consider as TS-woman if you'd rather go to a man or a woman as a therapist. Since I had a very great confidence in recent psychologist, I did myself at first to be treated seriously at the idea of a man.
Caro, a very good friend and one of my roommates WG, I have contact with my therapist Hr. Holzwarth in Ludwigsbrug ermögllicht :-) Thanks Caro .
Now, after 3 sessions with him, I must say that I feel very comfortable and he has already won my trust. The fund has confirmed 25 Sittzungen 50 minutes. We are therefore now spend each week sent together. However, this means that I need in each case for each meeting at least 4 hours.

Why? now .. . I'm still in my male references to the work, so I have to tell me for each meeting according dressing again. On the one hand, I think this is great, on the other hand, it is just a not inconsiderable organsiatorischer effort. As you

can read the case notes with the therapists and medical care ever quite a long time, the therapist and the accompanying Endrokinologin located in Reutlingen, but the arrival and departure needs as early as 2 hours. If you are lucky you may is between 1 and 1.5 hours waiting to be treated and then 10 minutes. Despite everything I've

very lucky that I have all these people on my side and guide you my way, professional, loving and verständisvoll, but also quite critical.
latter is just as important, so you do not lose touch with reality.

on all these dates will be added also the Epillationstermine, these are for my further path to tread as well as women's social integration into society.

It's all very complicated, often at the end of my tether and am nervous, but still I would go further, because the goal is for me to expect all the effort worth it.

because my goal is simply to live .... only live as that as what I feel and to me quite natural.

Now you understand why you probably missed me lately some time and also the power of this blog is to update, although this is very important to me.

like this the rest now .. in the next few posts

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Can You Bill For Lidocaine

Sol Invictus - Because JESUS winner is

SOL Invictus - Since Jesus is victor

Roman women have the winter solstice, the festival of the invincible sun god - celebrated - Sol Invictus. Over the centuries this was the feast of the birth of Christ, our sun, our light, our righteousness, our life is.

This light is stronger than darkness.
This love is stronger than hatred.
This resurrection power is stronger than death.
This sacrifice of love is stronger than any Christmas Satanic sacrifice. This forgiveness
force is stronger than any revenge in the world.
This love is stronger than any atomic destruction.

I hope, I believe that I am expecting.

Most people today are looking for recognition, love, Say-being. They confuse it with new cell phones, laptops, tablet PCs, fast cars, skiing in Kitzbühel, jewelry, and air travel in warm regions of the planet.

can be purchased with lot of money nowadays.
The experience of grace, the love, the recovered one and Adopted-being in God, the experience of harmonious co-existence and prayer under the Christmas tree - that one can not buy with money. This love
can not buy with money.
run why people so desperately through the area. More and more, faster.

here in Vienna we have so many Christmas tourists from the former communist countries. Many do not even know what is celebrated at Christmas. They had no religious instruction, they could not go to church. That was a punishable offense.

This emptiness will you with more money, gifts, smart phones, I-Phones, I-pads, game consoles, digital cameras, designer clothes, cars, planes, make up air travel.
This commercialization of Christmas, the Christian message has peaked already. On such advertising, such as the smoke fruit juices I have already almost smile: We hear: ". Oh Happy Day, when Jesus washed my sins away" As good as the smoke fruit juices may be, but with the redemption of Jesus they have little to do. Unfortunately, the lack of religious education today has advanced so far that most young people have no idea what this is all about.

Because the emotional expectations are so high, the disappointment on that Christmas Eve is often even higher. There is dispute within the family and acts of desperation.
I'll never forget a very old lady in the St. Stephens Cathedral, the song "Silent Night, Holy Night" was crying so bitterly that I almost tore the heart.
I'll never forget but when I am in many years ago Graz 23rd December, a city known Sandler and ports brother "20 shillings donated because I looked so rushed.

I wish all my blog readers a blessed a peaceful Christmas 2010.

May the love of God, the love of Jesus into it seem to their families, may disappear overcome the love the hate, fear, despair, confusion.
Immanuel - God with us. For

those who are alone on Christmas Eve: was
(Chapter 1)
In the beginning the word - and the Word was with God and the Word was God

From the Gospel according to John.
This was in the beginning with God.
Everything was was the same, and without him not one that has become.
In him was life and the life was the light of men.
The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not understood it (Luther)

From the Gospel according to Luke: (Chapter 2)

And there were shepherds in the same area, which remained in the open and at night keeping watch over their flock. And a
angel of the Lord came upon them and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they feared with great fear.
And the angel said unto them, do not be afraid! behold, I bring you news of great joy that will be for all people. For you today a Savior is born - Christ the Lord in David's city ......

And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, Glory to God in
the highest and peace Peace, peace on earth to whom he favors.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Incredible Holiday Light Show Tree

world in fear - Immanuel, God with us

State of Fear - Memories of Christmas 2004

"State of Fear" (Original title: State of Fear) the brilliant Michael Crichton is an environmental thriller, that came out in 2004 in the United States.

is the beginning tells of a physicist who tried in Paris in a swimming pool, with generators to produce artificially small tsunamis.
It's about a millionaire who makes his fortune to environmental protection are available, but suddenly disappears and reappears in Southeast Asia. Just then there is the "wave" (you know what I mean) are set artificially through huge generators to move.

to celebrate Christmas, Christianity, the birth of Jesus. Critics and historians say that the party actually the feast of the invincible Roman sun god (Sol Invictus) was. The atheist is Christmas no matter, all lies and deceit they say. The Satanist is Christmas, the great Christian festival of Christmas, but no matter. This opinion represents the American author Rebecca Brown. She claims that just crucified during the high holidays Christian pastors, weak Christian communities and individuals will be destroyed.

have this perspective I 26 December 2004 has not seen in such detail. Yes, the world was actually in fear of this holiday season 2004th And did you, dear reader, ever wondered why in the Middle East of all the Christmas holidays in 2008 a war has begun? I understand such evil deeds only partially.

Is not it sad that just at Christmas, the Jewish prophet Isaiah reminded that Christianity, which left such a beautiful idea:

Isaiah 11, 1-10

1 And a rice will emerge from the stump Jesse, and a shoot from his roots will bear fruit. 2 And rest upon him the Spirit of Jehovah, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and fear of the LORD, 3 And his delight shall be in the fear of Jehovah. And he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, and do not talk right after the hearing of his ears, 4 and He shall judge the poor are in justice, and the meek of the right to speak in straightness. And he will strike the earth with the rod of his mouth, and kill with the breath of his lips the wicked. 5 And righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins, and faithfulness the sash around his waist. - 6 And the wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard with the kid, and the calf and the young lion and the fattened cattle will be together, and a little child shall lead them. 7 And the cow and the bear shall graze together, their young lie down together, and the lion shall eat straw like the ox. 8 And the sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned Child put his hand on the den. 9 They will not hurt nor destroy in all My holy mountain: for the earth will be full of the knowledge of Jehovah as the waters cover the sea floor. - 10 And it shall come to pass in that day the root of Jesse, which stands as a banner of the peoples, nations will ask for him, and his resting place will be glorious.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Amsale Wedfing Dresses.wisvonsin

Bad Fucking

Inspired by a novel by Kurt Palm with the evocative name "Bad Fucking" (Residenz Verlag) I am now very inspired to also write a novel about the events in the Federal Ministry of Finance since 2002.

person of action: ( similarities to living persons is entirely coincidental )

Councilor Stefan Csoka: BMF, Division VI / 3
Office Director Wolfgang Schweinhammer: BMF, Division VI / 3
Karl-Heinz Grasser: it is the " presumption of innocence "
Matthias Winkler: His cabinet chief
Mag Christine Sumpter-Billings: Federal Ministry of Finance, Head of gambling, currently section chief GT
summer, BMF
Ing Peter Krassl, Bundesrechenzentrum
wife Theresa Moser, Brz
MMag woman. Claudia Ringel, Brz
woman Arbanas, Brz
Mr. Leiner, Brz
Mr. Hafner, Mr. Brz
Ihle, Mr. Palmetzhofer
Wolfgang Wipperman, Accounting Agency of the Republic of Austria
Kurt Datz, adult school Venetia
Mr. Nemec, lawyer of Wipplinger
Mr. Tilo Berlin, Investor
Mr. Psycho cult, a former bank chief
Joerg Haider, governor (are comments from the other world)
Dr. Brandstetter, lawyer Tilo Berlin
Gottfried helmet Weiner, academic painter
Dorothea Burel, Minister of dismemberment of the Republic of Austria
Mr. Bowling, Chancellor of the Banana Republic of Austria
woman Bandel-Orth: Justice Minister
Mr. Conroy, CEO of a large bank
Mr. Specht , bank chief in custody: are comments from the prison
Mr. poison mushroom, MP for € fighter procurement
Mr Straw bag, emigrant and immigrant
Mr. Fuchs, chairman and board of directors "MINIMA"
Udo Proksch: comments on the events from the beyond

Monday, December 13, 2010

New Itunes Wont Let Me Drag Music

My story: Zwangsbesachwaltung a suppressive person

Besachwaltung a suppressive person

On the night of 10 on 11.11.2003 died unexpectedly and suddenly in the Federal Ministry of Finance Mr. RegRat Office Director W. Schweinhammer. He was 30 years of civil servant in the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Austria, a specialist in electronic payments with power of attorney for all bank accounts of the Republic of Austria, the Federal Ministries and the Supreme organs. The deceased left on a PSK bank account called FEAR various account information.

Already in December 2002 fell Councilor Stefan Csoka - allegedly in Linz after a talk with financial officials - into a coma. Councilor Csoka was responsible since 1966 for the Federal Ministry of Finance and budget allocation. He had also created the concept for the new federal budget allocation to SAP as well as on the previous systems. The officials in the federal ministries called him "the brains of the republic." This brain was destroyed in early December 2002, amnesia-inducing medications and injections, almost. Csoka could recall after months of hospitalization to very little and was retired. The Federal Ministry of Finance Alfred Finz, which began as an accountant at Csoka, passed him by hand on a napkin. "Thank you, Stefan"

By December 2004 I was allowed to perform the work of the murdered Schweinhammer in the conversion of the federal budget to SAP. In December 2004 I was laid off from my supervisor Ing Grassl sects like a criminal without notice and removed from the federal data center.

In November 2005, my photo was on the website of the data center to see. I brought a copyright complaint to the Labour Court in Vienna. This was rejected because of formal errors.
Because of persecution by the psycho-sect - hereinafter "Epitarsis" called - turned I was at the German Federal Intelligence Service for help, as in Germany, the sect under surveillance by the Federal Constitution. Again, I was by the Vienna State Office for the Protection of the Constitution - April 2006 - as summoned a criminal.

In the spring of 2007 - the Euro-Fighter U-committee was constantly at his peak and Dr. fungus in the media - I was on my ex-colleagues from Grassl, marigold, Moser, Hafner, Arbanas, Leiner, Others have Mitterwurzer denounced as a Scientologist, the thousands of stolen data material from the Federal Computing Centre, Court and other government agencies. Only by expensive lawyers interventions were the Vienna Open at hand, it denunciatory Entries (violation of personal rights for media law) whatsoever. I was a nervous wreck at the end, I had already in the books by Renate Hartwig and others read that way and just as with "suppressive persons" bypassed. The evidence said therefore that I was from a champagne company for "Suppressive Person" appointed, because I give the plan "Clear Austria" stood in the way solid. The reversal of the facts (and therefore I shall called cult member) is indeed an ancient method of intelligence and of course the "Office of Special Affairs".
in the first summer 2007, I dared me at the District Court of Vienna-Inner City Appropriate authorities. In January 2008 there was at the State Criminal Court in Vienna a sham trial. The lawyer for the Open, Dr. Noll talked me down and told me to adjust for cost reasons the procedure.
In the summer of 2008 I was again demonstrated by the Vienna State Office for the Protection of the Constitution as a criminal. The police officers who work there are obviously the best of terms with the sect and also to those criminals who have denounced me and have thrown out the Federal Computing Centre.
came in the autumn of 2008 because of about 600 €, the T-Mobile from me - unfairly in my view - called for an action for payment at the District Court of Vienna Liesing. The judge Mrs. Irene Bauer Moitzi presented at the 1st Diet on 28/11/2008 the demand that I should be besachwaltet. On 01/07/2009 by Mrs Romana Wieser (by the way has disappeared from the district court in Vienna Liesing) Dr. Martin Weiser, then 1080 Vienna, Josefstadt Strasse 45, appointed as interim trustee. On 22
April 2009 I was summoned to a psychiatric examination by Dr. Herbert Koegler in Wien-Mödling. My theological studies were interpreted so since 1998 (-custody report, Professor Max Friedrich) as a "disease". That is why I have the arduous second and 3 Education business administration with specialization in accounting and business software (SAP) was studied.

On 14 May 2009, it came at the Vienna-BG Liesing Zwangsbesachwaltung due to the trial. It appeared, representing Dr. Weiser Dr. Andreas Lehner. We had the room before the judge (because zwangsbesachwaltet was an old rich lady of women had been) longer time and so I asked Dr. Lehner regarding the Justice server and electronic form via the Klagseinbringung federal data center. Dr. Lehner knew so well decision concerning my work in the GT.

went to the final Besachwalterung the problems going on really. Small bills and reminders kept coming to my postal address. The debt collection agency in Vienna ÖID EOS-Margaret sent about 10 times questions to the office of Dr. Weiser. The secretary of Dr. Weiser Schoditz woman was, and is overwhelmed in every way. Therefore, companies sent all bills and dunning runs back to my address. On 18
September 2009 there was a meeting with Dr. Weiser, District Court of Vienna Liesing. This was possible after I had massively intervened in the civil law of the ORF, with the Bar Association of Vienna and many other bodies such as Association for Sachwalterschaft etc..

Dr. Weiser was still not ready to pay some outstanding bills from my checking account at First Bank. When he started the conversation, he told me as a perfect human being goofy face: "The first thing I will say, however, Mrs. H.:" we are not married. " The man is really not quite all. And something is appointed by the Austrian courts to advocate.

In July 2009, I took - after a long wait time - files at the Vienna-BG Liesing. Because me a note, Judges Bauer Moitra was a telephone conversation with the Ministry of Finance (Section Chief Dr. Winter) in the hands. This is proof that we place "intervention" had.

In September 2009, my appeal against decision Sachwalterschaft the Regional Court for Civil Matters in Vienna (2nd instance) refused on the grounds that: "In Besachwalteten is a paranoid, conspiracy theorist querulative, can not distinguish between fantasy and reality. "

In February 2009, published in the Journal PROFILE is an article about an official of the accounting agency that millions have to fake promissory notes to the detriment of the Republic and the AMS. This bookkeeper was once the social ministry and we have him enrolled in the federal data center for SAP. (PROFILE, 02/02/2009 "In touch money")
In December 2009, the murderers and swindlers ("Clear Austria") at the Federal Computing Center and the Federal Ministry of Finance "10 years of SAP Center of Competence" celebrate, I decided to tell my story. (Federal Computing - memories of Wien Mitte)

Finally, some comments on the Trustee Dr . Martin Weiser, 1030 Vienna, Landstrasser Hauptstraße 60

first The administrator Dr. Martin Weiser can open and read any e-mails, and not deal with PCs.
second Dr. Weiser is happening even (with original Biedermeier furniture) difficulty with their own telephone system in his office in Vienna Nobel Highway
third Dr. Weiser has the District Court of Vienna-Liesing more than double the amount due him by law for the activity a champion of my person called on. The court has granted only half the amount demanded by him. Since the decision of the BG Liesing Dr. Weiser is in no way more ready to do anything.
4th Appointments with the Trustee to be canceled 20 minutes before - if one is already almost at the office of the administrator.
5th On my checking account is a nice little sum was collected. Nevertheless, the trustee is not ready to ready for Christmas gifts for my children or much-needed drugs money.
6th Rent and electricity are paid only on the basis of the detailed work of the bank employees, Mrs Vokroj-Ossig at Erste Bank Mödling.
7th The administrator Dr. Weiser sees my concern that the accounts are paid on time by him, as "an expression of my illness" (to see his opinion to the court in May 2010)

Conclusion: Scientologists (Clear Austria), judges, experts, the Federal Computing Centre and the Treasury have in an outstanding way worked together to me - one of the last witnesses of the pig hammer murder and attempted murder of Councilor Csoka - if not kill set, then at least by a complete incapacitation (with dispossession) into social OUT.

The team "Clear Austria" (to the side of my ex-boss Grassl also ÖBB boss key, Minister Bures and the painter helmet wine are added) So done a good job. With the help of "Dirty Tricks" is called "suppressive persons" attack until they end up either in jail or in psychiatric units. In Austria, yet the special form of "Besachwalterung" to, because it is very easy here depriving a person of all civil rights.

the target in the Ron Hubbard State: Only "Clears" should have full citizenship rights. Therefore, we besachwalten suppressive persons. This is the Austrian solution.

Literature: Liane von Billerbeck / Frank Nordhausen: The Champagne Group
(ISBN 3-86153-071-6) Christoph Links Verlag Berlin

Film: "Until nothing remains" (directed by Niki Stein, Germany 2010)

Sunday, December 12, 2010

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Julian Assange and the demand for a WORLD JUSTICE

About Julian Assange and Wikileaks has been written about very much. Personally - by the charisma purely ago - it seems to me as a mixture of Epitarsianer, Freemason and Black Mage. But of course that is only my personal impression.

What does Mr. Assange and Wikileaks in this supposed "end-time troubles" play, says Mr. Machiavelli the example MAKES:

you are the new king of a country and want to make sure that you remain so. So you will two separate call to itself, where you are sure that these do what you tell them. The one you are training for left-wing policies and fund them so that they can form a party. They'll make the other party but also, they can however create a politically right-wing party. Now they have launched two opposition parties to life. They finance the propaganda, elections, campaigns and thereby always know precisely about their plans know. That is, they control both parties. Do you want one of the two parties at an advantage, please shoot this simply more money than the other. Both leaders believe that you are standing on their side and you are so Two friends. The people will, however, this back and forth between left and right are so caught up that it will never come behind you when the king the cause of the strife are

In this respect, one could also use this fuss about Wikileaks and Julian Assange (the people always need a face as pawns) terms.

We know now that through envy, hatred, strife, war, artificially generated conflict, deprivation, hunger, unemployment and the spread of disease all the nations of the earth shall be so worn down, so accept all people and nations, the establishment of national institutions and erwünschen.

Here the system Machiavelli in brief:

first It creates conflict, struggle in which the people against each other and not against the true author.
second It does not act as instigators of the conflicts in appearance.
third It supports all the opposing parties.
4th It is regarded as benevolent authority that would end the conflict.

Today we have just the Cyber-War, the conflict is also artificially produced using modern technological means.
As Dr. Erhard Busek in pulse-4 Talk about Wikileaks a world of justice, called for an institution, where such evil deeds, such as Wikileaks Burscherln list since it can be punished at the international level, I am now back the true cause Wikileaks this conflict come to mind.

Yes, Mr. Busek. He was Minister of Science, head of the ÖVP, Wiener Vice Mayor, and more. Many good jobs has he zugeschanzt the FM party. Whenever I see him somewhere, I think of the story of his wife. She was a professor in the Gymnasium Wien 23 (Anton-Krieger-Gasse). In the 1980s he had to witness years of students there, as from the 1st Stock on committing suicide in the school yard jumped. I am reminded again of the book by Kurt Tozzer "death trap politics," where most cruel deaths are described around Austrian politicians and their families. These stories lead me back to my great Role model and teacher, Prof. Derek Prince (1915 to 2003), who speaks in many of his lectures and books about those Damn Freemasonry through its members and their families up in the 3rd and 4 Generation brings. I will give these victims a book. Perhaps this book gives guidance how to get out of this cursed life. Derek Prince also told about the English Freemasonry, where the worst Selbstverfluchungen be pronounced. If you reveal secrets, one has to check off as the left arm itself. From a spiritual point of view, Freemasonry is a disaster for those who have dedicated themselves to her.
I recommend to all interested parties the Book by Derek Prince Blessing or Curse - you have the choice "

Monday, December 6, 2010

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A terrible accident on "BET THAT"

Caveat: I also pray for the poor Samuel Koch, who had such a terrible accident at this show" Wetten dass ".

But I would still ask the question: What kind of world we live that the cameras - a young man must jump into a car steered by his father - only because of falling attendances and rising thrill?

reminds me of the gladiator games of the Romans, where people were thrown to the lions, reminding me but also sympathetic to the skier Ulli Maier, in January 1994 before the cameras at a World Cup event died. No one today speaks more of her.

this horrible barbaric game reminds me but also to the Abhärtungsrituale of the U.S. Secret Order of Scull and Bones and its German subsidiary SS (Silver Star - also called the Skull Knights)

Many critical contemporaries wonder in the face of such cruel public entertainments (including in the Middle Ages you have people executed in public for the amusement of the primitive people): HAS BEGUN THE TIME OF THE ANTI-CHRISTIAN? If compassion, charity, support the weak, no values? They must be banished really like Ron Hubbard in his remarks to the "Clear State said "

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

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dismissal from the Federal Computing: so it makes the sect

Jean Racine: There are no secrets that TIME does not reveal

Federal Computing Centre
Finanzen Straße 4
1030 Vienna
FN: 160573m
DVR: 9875597

Vienna, Wednesday, 1 December 2004.

Subject: dismissal

Dear Ms. Habsburg

particular because of the deliberately inaccurate accounting of working time to our customers, we herewith in accordance with the relevant labor laws, the dismissal because Vertrauensunwürdigkeit from

require the same time. we are on, all in your possession Company documents and keys, access authorization card and the like immediately leave.

is the final settlement of your compensation by the Department of the T-HR Federal Computing Ltd.

a clearance according to § 23 para 1 Angestelltengesetz not deserve.


Mag Erhard Schmidt, MBA

Dr. Anton Schicho
Head of Area T

Mag Roland Clean
Phone: 0043-1-71123-2255

This letter I received - the Suppressive Person - sick with severe sore throat and high fever at home lying in bed. So they are just followers of the sect. The "Office of Special Affairs", the puppets since 1998 provided successfully in the Austrian Federal Computing their service, gave the statement that all "Potential Trouble Sources" were immediately withdrawn from the federal data center - especially all SAP consultant in the federal budget. Instead, if the "ORG" have some SAP consultants in the sleeve so that the federal data center can be supplied nationwide with members of the Vienna ORG. Women should also Sumpter-Billings (currently head of department in the Ministry of Finance) and ex-sister in law of Finance Minister Grasser Commercial Director of Brz GmbH, so that all transfers are to Florida, Los Angeles, Copenhagen and London are from the Austrian federal budget continues to go unnoticed and made on time. What
in these days of December of 2004, then took in another episode, check out this blog "Federal Computing - memories of Wien-Mitte"