Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Can Strep Throat Cause Swollen Gums?


Besides comforting feelings and various physical changes you have to order the hair removal to make his thoughts. Because the beard is growing in spite of the hormones, but it grows more slowly. Depending on your hair color is also a beard shadow.

The male readers can a song like singing and the girls reading this know how ugly is such a scratchy kiss ...

So .. the beard has to go. Laser, IPL, etc.. There are many methods, the oldest and most reliable is the Nadeleppilation, is this procedure has been around the turn of the century. At that time, an eye doctor who invented a device to krum grown eyelash to remove permanently.

On the advice of a friend and intense rushing Clever Do I have now decided for this procedure. What exactly happens?

Now the beauty stands out with a fine needle which is connected to a very large apparatus in the hair channel, you are alternating 1-3 seconds on the needle, which becomes hot and thus destroying the hair root. Then the hair can be removed with tweezers. The large apparatus controls the duration and intensity of the current surge.
This is done for each whisker, if you're lucky, the hair on the first attempt destroyed forever if you have bad luck comes the nasty part again ....

Yesterday I should learn my first lesson on 9/28/2010 by this method. Now I'm
eases by 243 dark hair on the chin.

I give more than the 10 hairs beautician said then the meeting ended, I was a little easier. Whether it hurts? ... Now I do not say :-)
My chin looked at the evening as the bow of a freighter, now one day later you can see the small cuts Nachbluten something but 243 hairs do not come back (hopefully).

duration of such treatment, one must expect 150-200 hours. A session is between 1 and 2 hours bearable ... and 100 € cost for one hour.

As discussions on the fast path which is necessary to calculate this performance by the health insurance from, but I'll tell a different time

Despite all ... even if the chin is a little crusty yet, I'm happy and the worst places in my face now gone.
it is however a psychological burden when you grow the beard needs and then with a stubble beard in the public to go ...

Do You Need To Soak Porridge Oats


HRT is an important part on the way to goal. Actually, I still wanted to tell you how I came to the hormones. Basically, it was not easy.

When I first visited with my Endrokinologin, the first question was who you psychological support. Your swollen pride I kept my 8-page report of my psychologist and my 10-page curriculum vitae under the nose. When the doctor told Dr. that I had paid for the therapy and the report itself and in addition auserkohren psychologist for a free've .. washed me pretty head.

The first measure was a direct referral to a psychotherapist me now 18 Accompanied months and he is also approved by the health insurance. When I became aware of an appointment with him, I felt like a Mulitple Choice Test .. you know but the questionnaire where you have to check ..

first Question: Do you want to live as a future wife?
Thought: no I've only covered because I want to celebrate Carnival in another season!

second Question: Do you want a hormone treatment
Answer: yes they thinking
: man back out the recipe ...

and so it went on and on, about 15 Minunten later I left the office with my referral, Moreover, what he had done for a long time to Endo (Endrokinologin) and made an appointment to get the recipe. It took another whole 4 weeks to the gene analysis and blood count was available until I read the friendly holiday cover me out the recipe and thankfully not 10 meters from the practice of a pharmacy which still everything to "camp" had. ...

I can not say how I trembled as I held my knees have the hormones in his hand.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

How Does Baralgin M Work

4 weeks HRT

HRTist the term for "hormone replacement therapy," on Wikipedia to contain in it a lot UDM_ISPELL_TYPE_DB if interested ... http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hormonersatztherapie , I can read it to you.

The first days and weeks have been very eventful, at least for me ... At the start of HRT, I had a thousand questions ... arises when a change? how I see it? What changed first ?.... With these questions as I am in the HRT and in the summer.

had in the first week I just felt that I am tired and exhausted, at first I thought it would be through the professional stress .. But there is another fatigue was not I knew, for suddenly are several things difficult, especially physically. Most of the "changes" I have felt in the second week, the feelings, the feelings which I had repressed for decades, raised a now.
It's a great and pleasant feeling. There will always be "coherent" softer, gentler. However, I am also sensitive nd sensitive. Many a day is because sometimes even tearful. Physically, I'm

in the chest area 2 cm risen, now I can proudly present an A CUP, which previously was a natural reasons CUP AA. However
is not always an advantage. For everyday work I have still in my male bravado completed. It may need some time until I go to work as a girl in my management of my I could have in the next few days Job done. However, my opinion is that the passing has to be at least 90%.

Since pyhsischen changes by the hormones are not taxable, it is now interesting in the coming weeks. If the dress shirt on the shoulder is loose but stretches the chest, I'm making my thoughts, even more so then when colleagues on the power button on it for an eternity staring ...

Granted, a few days later I schmunzle about this situation to the point, I saw before me was a little embarrassed. As I reflected, "it feels so on when guys stare at the breasts of girls ...." .. Guys .. I can only say this is a modest sense of ...

All in all ... I am happier than ever before in my life and that despite the problems ahead will bring with it my way or, for example, the family does not want to go this route.

The feeling is so great that I never want to miss in life

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

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Offenses uncovered by Rose go further in Bolivia

For some time, there are new pages on the Internet that have not been published by the people, but of the petty criminals
Andrew Rose and his partner Nicole Poley. What operates is quite clear that Andrew Rose character assassination, that one or more precisely multiple offenses. Here
his personal profile as proof:

Profil Rose

After excluding Rose has opened a blog on the anti-cheaters forum.
have also Rose and Poley opened the blogs on the board Wiebe and Schmidt, as well as Hildegard Wiebe . The Rose of the operators of this site has been clearly demonstrated in the AA forum.
The Rose still in this blog trying to justify himself and the written contributions as "not proven", is ridiculous enough. The
but he lies about the comments yet, is already an absolute cheek.
Mr. Rose:
your people and police protection?
also a display located in Independencia and Villarrica from you is not available. So an outright lie!
you were with an aid organization and not to the prosecutor! Idiot!
This organization has given you the advice to leave the country, but not in the direction Bolivia, but in the direction of Germany.
you ordered and a lawyer in Germany? You can not even make an ad, or what to do then a lawyer. For one ad, the affected person to sign "personal". No signature no display so happens to be the German laws. But as we know you, your lawyer can !!!!! Rose saving you the award or the threat!

All posts here have been published in the blog are proven and understandable.
The court ruling seems to require no proof! What
precipitate the trees concerns the nature reserve, you are clearly visible on the photo! The removal of the felled trees was filmed and is the video portal "YouTube" view.
stolen and slaughtered, the water buffalo is also demonstrated, as was done for an ad in the department of Guaira by the owner, and a report in the newspaper "Ultima Hora" stand. You yourself have written about it in your blog (freezer, remember). Furthermore, you tried the buffalo meat to room Independencia sale. This was confirmed by different people. It was stolen can be proved, you did it this object completely destroyed and are not described as of you,:
What you entrusted Dreyer concerns home. Lot of material had in Calle Mill recovered in the wooden hut, just as the water tank on the wooden hut belonging to the Dreyer house. Rent was paid for by you ever.
also that a bill of almost 600,000 Guaranies you have not paid the debt, leaving the owners, too! The continued power theft in the wooden hut, as no electric meter is available, the current was abruptly connected black.
As for the marriage and the hoped-for residence permit is needed surely no more comment.

So Mr. Rose, what is in these contributions, if you please, and invented a lie?
The only one of Lie are, surely you yourself.
And now the offense opened up with the blogs.
I run the blog about you, but at least no lying blog. Can I also view it!!
And that's not all, there are deeds that were not published here !!!!! Is yet to come!

The blogger

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Where To Get A Dancer Licensed Indetroit

Andreas Rose in the AA forum and kicked out

After Andrew Rose and his pimples chick in the AA forum unmasked and were excluded from the forum, he tried using a different nickname and
to register a different e-mail address again to his refuse to spread further.
The Webmaster noticed this However, immediately announced the following message.


Ausschuß 2

Now ask yourself again how stupid a person but rarely be?
Mr. Rose:
Firstly, the host name will always remain, no matter what you try and !!!!!
Second: the e-mail requires no explanation more !!!!!

of intelligence can talk no more, so your IQ is now at 6 times ... ... ... ... a pig grunts at 8 !!!!! had

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Doctor Inspection Penis

How do I get a residence permit in Paraguay ...?

this question, Andreas Rose ask.

clear, from Germany, he had to leave urgently and as you know, Paraguay has the best and easiest immigration conditions, it went there.

He needed only his birth certificate and his multi-page police report. ...

Unfortunately Andrew had previously not thought that he and his quite full police clearance certificate no chance of legally come to a "Cedula".

It dawned upon him after scouring several immigration assistant and he all the same hearing: "With their certificate, I see no chance"

There is of course missing in his "well planned" Emigration and the $ 5,000, another solution had to ago.

you can not just marry a woman Paraguay?

do not you get an automatic residence permit? So

was held after a woman willing to marry out for Paraguay. Sure, some time passed it and the official stamp in his passport had expired already ... but now who cares if eh is in Independencia lives and no one asks for the address of legality?

The search for a suitable wife turned out to be not quite as easy without the lump of English. Sure, there are also women in Paraguay, only to make the "fake" marriage, but also a simple country girl would like in return for it!

prefer money, of course ... but it was not Andrew Rose!

through detours, he met a woman who consented to a marriage. They wanted in return, no money, no, she wanted to have German citizenship, to work in Europe. It would also be the whole Wedding, and the charges pay for it. Oh, what a good catch, keep what you had, no matter what.

So they tell her just the blue of the sky: "a German passport, that's no problem"

Finally, Andrew was only wanted the Paraguayan papers and the rest did not care.

was to get married! He appeared with some requests approached the local family, the knocking off of course.

from the date on which he signed and his marriage certificate and his family record book in his hands, is no longer interested in Andrew's family for his "wife" because they never would get a German passport, that he knew. Now he was indeed legal!

After Andreas Rose stopped responding to calls, it was "his new family" sounds funny and you made inquiries about Rose.

He had not expected, of course!

was quickly revealed the reason for the marriage and his lies. Everything else was then a self-running as quickly as possible the marriage was annulled by his wife.

But got from Andrew and his life companion Nicole Poley and nice visit from the court:

IMG_0826 nicole

Anyone with any sense knows by now that no Paraguayan family may appear to offer anything, and certainly not from a "gringo" who is wanted in Germany. Maybe it works
this way in Bolivia !!!!!

Friday, September 10, 2010

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The business tax in Germany

Since business tax is levied on the objective earning power of a commercial enterprise is, it is also known as trade income tax. It contributes significantly to the financing of cities and towns and abroad in such form not to be found. The legal basis for the collection of GwSt. make the business tax law (GwStG.), the business tax, business tax policies and implementing regulation

Who pays business taxes?
charge within the meaning of the first business tax is any company that generates its revenue from this business. Regardless whether it is a person or corporation is. Reason that the general business tax as a the "fairest" tax called because this is caused by the trade cost "refinance". liberal professions and agricultural and forestry businesses are in. usually not as trade tax.

base and calculation
The base is used by local trade income, net of income and corporation tax. This gain is reduced by certain additions and deductions, or increased. The resulting revenue be multiplied with the tax rate to the resulting tax base value. Ultimately to the tax base value, the assessment rate applied to the municipality to set the business tax burden. By 2007, business tax payments of companies could be deducted as business expense. This is no longer possible since 2008. Partnerships and sole proprietorships, however, have a basic allowance of 24,500 €, this will be deducted from the determined trade income.

characteristics of the assessment rate
the business tax is based on location. That is not different from that cities and communities can determine their own assessment rate. There are a minimum rate of 200%. Communities, it is a matter left to how high or how low they create their rate of assessment for companies "to attract" either or "deter".

Strange Case Of Total Insomnia

The corporation

The corporation is a business tax that is applied to the income of corporations, partnerships and assets. It taxes all income of legal persons. Would equate with the corporate income tax for natural persons. The CIT is imposed on the countries and in Germany is regulated by the Corporation Tax Act (KstG.).

identify and set
The base of the CIT will be as the taxable income (DAS) the legal person. the corporation (GmbH or AG) were used, distinguishing between limited and unlimited tax obligation. The current corporate tax rate since 2008 is at 15% (previously 25% and 40%).

Who is corporation tax?
  • corporations (these include companies limited rights and limited companies)
  • cooperatives
  • benefit societies and pension funds, mutual societies
  • commercial operations of legal persons of public law
  • usual legal entities under private law
  • unincorporated associations, institutions, foundations

limited and unlimited liability corporation
corporations, associations and funds, which have neither established nor its management in Germany with domestic income only to corporation tax.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Camilla Rodriguez Management

What is the corporate tax

As the name suggests, it is in corporate tax to the taxation of a company. It does not matter whether this is a sole proprietorship, a partnership or corporation. The corporate tax is not a single tax that is paid by businesses, but is made up of different tax types.
The German tax system differentiating between three variants:
  • The taxation of income
  • The taxation of consumption
  • Taxation of substance
The relevant for any business tax is the income tax . These include the corporation, the business tax and the income tax . The taxation of the income depends on the corporate form, access the separation and the principle of transparency.
The taxation of consumption relates primarily to the r sales tax that is levied on companies and also removed, but is primarily driven by the consumer. This is basically it is a transitory item for businesses. In
taxation of the substance turns out in many companies, provided they have no land, are held inheritances or gifts.