Wednesday, November 18, 2009

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What interests Andreas Rose, the nature reserve?

really interests him is nothing but "How do I get money easily?

What do you do when the money is in short supply in Paraguay and you have everything that is not necessary sold has or has squandered the pawn shop?

And without money, life is not in Independencia!

A unique idea Andreas Rose came after a storm.

in this storm was a dead, broken trees from the avenue of trees the entrance to the fallen power lines and had torn it. After everything was provisional repaired, finally came the great idea. "Saw the whole driveway is full of trees that I leave now and sell the wood!"

So was asked around who could use for probably as 40-50 trees.

There were pledges, but somehow never seemed to someone and the money but now times urgently ...

Strange, is it about forbidden in a conservation area just so fell to trees on leased land and to make money? ?

Well, as long as nobody notices and nobody says anything, one can in Independencia do what you want, or not?

In the meantime, ever tried to get his hands:


went after a few months, then it go last, because in the ass that is just the one who placed the order and not the contracted workers. These workers will be known in this activity, stupid. They say to themselves, "Where else can you get so cheap trees?
Andreas Rose dubbed the trees being felled all the "death", but which one timber dealer can do anything with dead, rotting wood? If you look properly, will see healthy, lush green trees! Such persons have been informed about it!
We will see what consequences will follow!
Again a criminal act by Andrew Rose!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Viddeo Gratisincesti Italiani

There was still the thing with Linux 4 Paraguay!

Andreas Rose still had more lucrative ideas, when he decided "Paraguay" to name his new home.
"Somehow you have to be yes at the same time Paraguayos a slime and earn money at it!"
was quick to try to cooperate with old contacts "Linux4afrika" zuknüpfen.
"Linux4afrika" sends in service worldwide in Germany donated computers with accessories, to Africa to install them there in schools.
So it's ok to ask whether want to support this organization with a good name not the new project "Linux4paraguay!
It was thought there in the good in people and promised the first Container with 200 computers to send complete soon after Paraguay. If this "pilot project" going well, should follow.
Of these first 200 computers would Andrew Rose 20 retain for themselves in order to sell them on (after all 20 million would have been for him).
he wanted 20 more "donate" the police stations, so ..? "Everyone will know why." To the 10 computers he had been promised in the run good friend.
So all 50 computers were already determined not to schools in Paraguay, but was merely for the prestige of A. Rose.
was also designed an official website, was in the course called for donations. Because of something you have to live in Paraguay, after all, so why not in good faith by donors?
new friend was told by the alleged social project, they immediately offered their help, without knowing that they will themselves be deceived by Andrew Rose.
had allegedly "Linux4Afrika" with the manager Hans-Peter Merkel, already the first Container packed, waiting only to be shipped!
from the whole thing was of course not, because Mr. Hans-Peter Merkel came the whole thing probably also English and obtained the relevant information about Rose.
After he learned of his current arrest warrants and his flight from Germany, he finished the course surreptitious cooperation immediately.
Andreas Rose considers it but until now no need to take the website "" to the network, because it might happen that despite burst cooperation, idiots still donate to this project and the St. Andrew's Rose lives in Paraguay to finance it.
He himself only summarily took its name from the masthead and replaced it with the name of his girlfriend!

Well, if you can not even speak again because of repeated fraud, then I do not know!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Vergins Getting Banged

The water buffalo of Independencia

. Everything is running on the trails and has no mark is, indeed anyone! And if it belongs to no one, it is owned by Andrew Rose!
It is this opinion he was. The water buffalo in Independencia are now a "Him." So one can also own water buffalo are coming!!
the night was gone, along with some locals on buffalo hunting. You would have to ask but now "Why at night" ?????
Were the animal but not the property of Andrew Rose?

Here is an excerpt from his former blog, because he has recently removed:

today on a holiday (the Declaration of Independence of Paraguay & Mother)
we have in Villarrica ... by the way, we froze, and in Villarrica
then we have seen in a temperature gauge, we have only 10 degrees and as some say here, there is no cold days ....
after we have some stores we looked for a freezer, then we have also found one and bought with the price
delivery service 2.5 million Gs (about 378 €) was also there .. they have brought us to the motorcycle onto the truck
and then it went way home again .. so no more freezing .. Then we have at home be unloaded until all the Moto
then the freezer .. so and now the freezer is with us in the kitchen and can be filled with tasty meat ..


little later then were water buffalo "bought":

We have now bought water buffalo ...
ask now everyone what to do .. with water buffalo
live healthy, stay fit and consciously enjoy the meat from the buffalo!
meat contains very effective minerals and trace elements such as calcium and phosphorus.
also provides the buffalo meat essential trace elements such as selenium, manganese and iodine.
minerals and trace elements perform important functions: they serve as building blocks for bones and teeth ...

was only with hunting it very quickly over, as was the known, most of the animals had disappeared overnight.
The owner of the water buffalo had let the animals can be captured and summarily taken away with a cattle truck. Some animals could not be captured and remained in Independencia.
In April, exactly has signed on that date as A. Rose in his blog for water buffalo meat, was an article in "La Ultima Hora" publishes the "Ganadero de Bufalos" made from the Departament Guairá a Denuncia states that he has repeatedly his water buffalo disappear and these were allegedly slaughtered. He could prove that his animals had been made on hunting, one of the animals was a gunshot wound.

Andrew Rose is so continued his career as a criminal in Paraguay. Among his many scams, is now also to cattle theft !!!!!
That's the last offense, or there are further added ?????????

Monday, October 19, 2009

Milena Velba - Antique Bathtub

Sentencia de causa penal de Andreas Rose Indepedencia / Paraguay

For all Hispanic people reading here again the ruling of District Court Osnabrück (Germany).







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Judgement by Andreas Rose

So, here is the sentence (in readable form) by the District Court Osnabrück. As can be seen from the verdict is, this transaction took place in April 2008. In early May, before entering prison, he disappeared to Paraguay.









If one has read this sentence, one has to wonder stuck "How much criminal activity in a human can "and as a human being dreißt still is.
But that is not enough, because he continues this kind of crime in Paraguay. In the coming days it will be more articles about his life and be drive in Indepedencia.

also likely to You look forward.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

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The flight from Germany

came in May 2008, Andrew Rose to Paraguay to start a new life. In Germany, it is because of his criminal career came to no longer right. For him to need a solution with Paraguay and there is no official extradition treaty, was the endscheidung made quickly.
fact, he had no money for the ticket, but the mother of his then partner him who paid for the flight.
yes Now, back pay, he frankly to the "never" thought. Was He really does not matter, the main point quickly away from Germany. Now your
will ask you away why so fast?
Well, Andrew was again Once in jail, and for another 3 years and 6 months.
then he had absolutely no desire more.
in the next couple days I post the ruling of District Court Osnabrück here. A further ruling will then follow, but that's another story that you will find here.

So You must all be excited!!

Friday, February 20, 2009

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to establishing

On 21 October 1995 was the day. The organizers Sieglinde Moser, Irmi Fink and Elke Wernik was their first Seekirchner children's clothing market . Open With a team of 15 we started on the first floor of Raiffeisen Bank Seekirchen and presented here about 2000 items. The feed was huge, and already after 2 Children's clothing market, we knew we needed more space.

Thanks to the community Seekirchen we could in the fall of 1996 in the Festival Hall to move.
place since the spring of 2004 at our children's clothing market in the new gymnasium of the school principal Seekirchen. The number of employees has grown to 36 people and there are now nearly 10,000 items offered for sale.

In 2008, the number of employees has risen to 47 people, and now already have 12 000 articles were found.

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photos of our cake buffets

For our children's clothing market offers a huge selection of cakes and pies. With every piece purchased will help us to donate for a good cause!
We pack our dishes for you!

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our huge range of prams, games, children's clothing, car seats, shoes and much, much more .........

the sale

PC games, Game Boys etc.



our team

in the adoption of the goods

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current donations

Through our work with the 30th Children's Clothing Market in Seekirchen were € 1.500, - will be donated to the Clown Doctors - a fate made by family and € 3,000.

Through our work with the 29th Children's Clothing Market Seekirchen were € 4.000, - to the Child Protection Centre Salzburg

and another € 4,000 - goes to the Rainbow Club be.

Looking back, was on already for many years working at the children's clothing market Seekirchen still be donated to the following people / organizations / institutions:

Montesoriverein (1995), Children's Cancer Society (1996), Clown Doctors (1997), 11vom fate made families Seekirchen (1998-2006), Public School Seekirchen for a stepped ramp for wheelchair users (1999), one of the fate of adopted family from Bischofshofen (1999), inclusive class of the U.S. fief (2001), youth center Seekirchen (2002 ), the fate of a family taken from Salzburg (2002), Clown Doctors (2003), Children's Cancer Society (2004), Public School Seekirchen for the school library and special education school in Köstendorf, one of the fate of adopted family from Mattsee (2005), Children's Cancer Society (2006), Children's Cancer Society, Butterfly Child (2007), Social Forum Seekirchen, club Rainbow and a boy with disabilities (2008), donation to a wheelchair sports wheelchair, the fate of adopted families from upper run and Seekirchen, child protection center of Salzburg, Club Rainbow (2009)

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map - how to find us